04/10/09 Madhuban Avyakt BapDada Om Shanti 15/04/71

The trimurti acts of the children of the Trimurti Father.

Are all of you children of the Trimurti Father also trimurti? Are you performing all three tasks whilst being trimurti? At the present time, are you performing two tasks or three? Which task are you performing, or are you performing all three tasks simultaneously? You have become trimurti, have you not? Just as you have become trimurti, have you also become trikaldarshi (knower of the three aspects of time)? Do you become trikaldarshi and then create every thought and every action and thereafter put that thought into action? Definitely, all the three tasks are constantly carried out simultaneously. If you do not destroy your old sanskars, your nature and weak thoughts, how would the new creation be created? And, if you do create the new creation, but do not sustain it, how would it be visible practically? So you, the trimurti children of the Trimurti Father, are you carrying out all three tasks simultaneously? You are destroying sinful actions and wasteful thoughts. You have to do this with even greater force now. You must not only burn away your sinful actions and wasteful thoughts, but you are now world benefactors. This is why it is the task of you Shaktis to lighten the burden of sinful actions of the whole world and to finish the wasteful thoughts of innumerable souls. So, at present, this task of destruction, and together with that, the task of creation of pure thoughts: both these tasks have to be carried out with full force. When you have a very fast machine, you can change the form, colour, virtue and task etc. of an object in one second. As soon as the object is put into the machine, it’s form changes. In the same way, this machinery of establishment and destruction has to work very fast. Just as the form and colour of an object change as soon as it is put into a machine, in the same way, the thoughts, form, virtues and task of all the souls who come in front of you will change in this spiritual machinery: not only of souls, but the quality and task of the five elements will also change. Such machinery is now going to be used practically. This is why you are told that both the tasks of establishment and destruction are being carried out simultaneously. Now, they will be carried out even faster. Just as there is always a queue of beggars in front of great donors, in the same way, there is going to be a queue in front of all of you. When you have a big crowd at an exhibition, what do you do at that time? You start a queue and give them a short message. You cannot give them the knowledge of creation, but you give them the introduction and the message of the Father, the Creator. In the same way, when there is a queue of beggars, you will only give this message, but this message of one second is powerful. This message becomes merged in those souls in the form of a sanskar. Souls of all religions will come begging for this. People even say that Christ is now here in the form of a beggar. Founders of religion will also come in front of you in the form of beggars. What alms will you give them? You will simply give them this message. You will have to give such a powerful message that they will become instruments to establish a religion through the powerful sanskars of this message. Those sanskars will become imperishable, because you will also have imperishable sanskars at the time of your final, perfect stage. At present, you are making your sanskars imperishable. Therefore, those to whom you give the message and on whom you make effort are not able to stay here all the time. They stay here for some time and then they become slack. However, at the end, your sanskars will become imperishable. So, because you have the power of imperishable sanskars, you give them such teachings or such a message that their sanskars become imperishable. So what effort do you have to make now? You have to change your sanskars, but you must now put the stamp of making them imperishable. Just as when something is sealed with the Government's stamp, no one else can open it, so you should put on such a seal that Maya cannot open it for half a cycle. So, you have to make intense effort to create imperishable sanskars. This will only happen when you become master trikaldarshi and put your thoughts into action. Check every thought that you create: Am I stable in the stage of a master trikaldarshi? If you perform actions whilst stable in this stage, you will not perform any wasteful action, never mind the question of performing sinful action. You have now gone above the account of sinful action; your sinful thoughts and also your sinful actions have finished. Now, it is just a question of wasteful thoughts and wasteful actions. You have to change those wasteful things into powerful thoughts and powerful tasks. This is called the stage of perfection. So, have you now become great donors?

How many types of donation do you give? Are you double donors, triple donors, or even more than triple? (Each one gave his own idea.) There are three main donations that are shown. You give the donation of knowledge. You are donating the powers through yoga, and the third donation is of virtues through your actions. One is a donation through the mind, the second is a donation through words and the third is a donation through actions. Through your mind, you donate all powers, through your words you donate knowledge and through your actions, you donate all virtues. At the beginning of every day, make a plan of how you will donate all these three things and in what way. Then, at the end of the day, check whether you became a great donor. Did I donate in all three ways? Each of the three types of donation has its own reward and attainment. Just as on the path of devotion, each one attains something according to the donation he gives, in the same way, to the extent that someone donates something in this great life, accordingly he creates his future to that extent. Not only does he receive for the future, but he also receives the instant fruit. If someone does not give a donation through words or actions, but only gives a donation through the mind, he receives a different kind of instant fruit. All of you now know the philosophy of karma very well. The attainment from each type of donation is its own. Those who give all three types of donation receive three types of fruit in a practical way instantly. You know the philosophy of karma. What is the instant fruit of the donation through the mind? The instant fruit received by those who are great donors through their minds is that firstly, they become victorious over their own minds, that is, over their own thoughts in one second. That is, they attain the power to be victorious over their thoughts. No matter how mischievous some souls may be in their thoughts, that is, if their minds are not able to stabilise on one thought for just one second, then such souls with mischievous thoughts, are able, with the power of their own victory, to make for a temporary period, the minds of those mischievous souls peaceful and stable from unstable. Someone who is in distress because of pain is made unconscious with an injection, and his distress due to the pain is then finished. In the same way, those who become great donors through their minds are able to give others the experience of peace with the power of their vision, attitude and consciousness, but only for a temporary time because the other person has not made his own effort. However, through the influence of the power of a great donor, he is able to have that experience for a short period. Those who are great donors through the mind have such power in their thoughts that whatever thoughts they create are successful. So those who are great donors through the mind become the ones who attain success in their thoughts. They are able to stabilise their thoughts wherever they wish. They will not be subservient to their thoughts, but their thoughts will be subservient to them. They can create whatever creation they wish to through their thoughts. When they wish to destroy a thought, they are able to do that. So, such great donors have three powers: of creating thoughts, of destroying thoughts and also of sustaining them. This is the great donation through the mind. The practical form of a master almighty authority is visible in the same way. Do you understand? Such a soul is a master almighty authority.

What do those who are great donors through their words receive? They are master knowledge-full. Each word of theirs has a lot of value. The value of one jewel is much more than the innumerable other physical jewels. You donate jewels through your words, do you not? Each jewel of those who give the donation of the jewels of knowledge becomes so valuable that many souls are thirsty to hear each word of such a soul. One word becomes such that it is able to quench the thirst of many thirsty souls. You become master knowledge-full, valuable and the third quality you develop is that you become sensible; each word of such a soul is filled with sense. Sense means that there is no word spoken that is without essence. When someone speaks words with sense, he is said to be very sensible. You can know about someone’s sense through his words. Both types of donor become sensible. These are the qualifications, but what is the attainment? For those who give a donation through words, firstly, they experience happiness, because there is happiness when one sees wealth, and secondly, they will never become discontent. Because they are full of all treasures, and because they do not lack anything, they remain constantly content and cheerful. Each word of theirs will be like an arrow. Whatever they say to anyone will touch that person. Their words are very effective. By donating through words, their speech is filled with many virtues. They easily have the attainment of happiness in their stage. They will not make effort to attain anything, but they will automatically attain everything. When something emerges from a mine, it is limitless. In the same way, happiness will automatically emerge from within. This is attained in the form of a blessing. You did not make any effort for happiness. You only made the effort of giving a donation through words and you received the attainment of happiness.

Because of giving a donation of virtues through actions, what do you become an embodiment of? An angel; by performing actions, that is, by donating virtues, their faces and behaviour will both be like those of an angel. There will be the light of both types. That is, there will be the sparkling light and also lightness. Whatever steps they take will be light. They will not experience any burden, but it will be as though a power is making them move. They will experience help in every action. They will experience receiving blessings from everyone in their every action. Secondly, those who become great donors through their actions experience the attainment of all blessings in their life. Because of being worthy of receiving blessings from everyone: not through making effort, but in the form of a blessing. So those who give a donation through their actions will firstly be seen as angels, and, secondly, they will experience themselves to be an embodiment of all blessings. So now check: Am I lacking in giving any type of donation? Am I giving all three types of donation? You must definitely fulfil the account of all three types of donation in one way or another. For this, you must look for methods and chances. Do not say, "I will do it if I am given a chance". You have to take the chance; it is not that you will be given a chance. When you become such great donors, people will be able to see the aura of light and might in you. From your forehead, people will be able to see the orb of light, and through your behaviour and words, they will see the orb of the might of knowledge, that is, they will be able to see the Seed. You are master seeds, are you not? Those who are seen as having the orbs of light and might will become the practical form of the images that grant visions. Do you understand?

Is there a picture in this hall in which the orbs of light and might are portrayed? (Someone said: That of Lakshmi and Narayan, another said, that of Brahma Baba.) Look, by seeing the image, it is as though your face changes. You should also become living images, so that as soon as people see you their activity and their faces and features change. You have to become like that, and you are becoming that. To come to the land of blessings means to claim a right to blessings. Why do people go on a pilgrimage? (To finish their sins.) People go there because that land has that speciality, and so what speciality does this land have? You automatically receive blessings from the place which is the land of blessings. You will receive a blessing from yourself, will you not? There is no need to ask for these. Therefore, from today, you must stop asking for anything. Consider yourself to have a right. Do you understand? Achcha.

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